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As a voluntary controlled school, admissions to the school are the responsibility of the Local Authority. Details of admission procedures are included in the Local Authority’s Information for Parent’s book available by clicking below. 

Copies are also available on request from the Local Authority’s School Admissions & Transfers section, telephone: 01905 776359.

When there are more applications than places, pupils are admitted based on the LA’s criteria.

The link below will take you to the Local Authority admissions web page:

Admissions | Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (

Reporting Absence

If a child has a medical or dental appointment during the school day, please inform the school in writing, by e-mail or telephone.  For reasons of safety, no child will be allowed out of school without a letter and without being collected by a parent. Parents are asked to inform the school of reasons for absence through illness on the first day of the absence, before 9.30am.  This can be done by message, telephone or e-mail.  We will follow up any unexplained absences by telephone after 9.30am.  This is essential as we are now required to distinguish between "authorised absences" and "truancy".  Truancy is defined as absence from school without authorisation or explanation.  Any prolonged and unexplained absence will be followed up by the School.  Unauthorised absences may be referred to the Education Investigation Team.


School Transport

The majority of our pupils travel to school on school coaches.  Please remember that children may only travel on a bus for which they hold a valid bus pass.  For further information to see if you qualify for school transport and to apply for a school bus pass online, please click here

We are served by the following bus companies:

Astons Coaches - 01905 820 201

Cresswell Coaches - 01386 48655

Dudleys Coaches - 01386 792206

Commandry Coaches - 01905 458529

Elgar Coaches - 01905 333349

Woodstones Coaches - 01562 823073

First Bus Company - 0800 587 7381


Contact Details

Parents are asked to verify a Data Checking Sheet when their child starts school.  This gives details about the children and emergency contacts.  Any change in these details (address, telephone number, parents' place of work etc.) should be notified to the school as soon as possible.

We make full use of a text messaging service; to enable us to communicate with you using this form of communication, please keep us up-to-date with your mobile phone number.



To keep interruptions to lessons to a minimum, parents are requested to ensure that any arrangements necessary are made before the child comes to school.  It can be difficult to pass messages onto pupils during the school day, particularly if they are participating in outdoor games.