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Year 7 Catch-up Funding

Report on the use of Year 7 Catch Up Funding 2018-19 (Updated October 2019) 

Overview of Year 7 Catch Up funding

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve Expected Standard 4 in reading or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2). All state funded schools with year 7 pupils will receive this funding.

Since September 2013 Ofsted inspections report on Year 7 Catch Up funding and on how schools spend their additional funding.

We aim to:

  • Ensure pupils are supported by trained and confident staff;
  • Provide the best teaching and learning resources we can, to support numeracy and literacy
  • Ensure pupils feel well supported when the move from the year 6 to year 7 in St Nicholas CE Middle School.

St Nicholas is a middle school, with pupils from years 5 to year 7. Our data gives us confidence that our year 7 pupils do not experience a dip in their expected progress when they transition from year 6 to year 7. For this reason we use the Year 7 Catch up funding to focus upon professional learning and development to ensure that all our staff access high quality development opportunities and that the resources available to our pupils for Literacy and Numeracy are of a high standard. This helps provide the continuity and consistency the pupils require to make progress.


Looking back: How the previous year’s allocation was spent? 2018-2019

In 2018-19 the school received £10,385 and this was allocated towards:

  • MATHS -Small group sessions daily led by TAs on Maths vocabulary, Times Tables Rockstars and Maths study skills
  • READING – Reading Dockside Programme, (small group), Word Blaze 1;1 and small groups, plus 1.1 reading sessions. These happened as daily interventions on a circus of activities to meet the needs of the individual students.


What was the impact of this funding?

Pupils made expected or exceeded expected progress with their individual targets, as evidenced in the review of standardised scores and progress against their outcomes in their EHC Plans.


Total amount allocated for the current academic year 2019-2020

For 2018-19, the school will have a similar allocation of £10,295.


Looking forward: What are our plans to spend the Year 7 Catch Up premium this academic year? 2019-20

  • A whole school focus on the sharing and development of best practice in the teaching and learning of problem solving and reasoning in maths.
  • Developing a progressive ideas and resources bank for whole school use, this year with a focus upon reasoning. This is linked with our School Improvement Plan for 2019-20
  • Professional learning and development for staff to support the effective teaching of reading.
  • Interventions using small group Accelerated Reading, Word Blaze and 1:1 reading interventions.