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Contact Details

Pinvin C of E Academy
Nr Pershore
WR10 2ER

Telephone: 01386 554196 

Kitchen Contact:  01386 550360

Please contact the named members of staff below who will be more than happy to answer any enquiries or arrange a visit.

Headteacher: Mrs Emma Rose

Deputy Head: Miss Rebecca Miller

General Enquiries:  Mrs Leandra Casewell/ Miss Julie Roberts 01386 554196

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator:  Mrs Laura Barker 01386 554196


Chair of Governors:  Mr Trevor Knight

Please contact via the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Amanda Knight: 


Pinvin C of E Academy is an academy within the DoWMAT - Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust.

The Trust can be contacted at:

Home | Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (

DoWMAT, Field House, 29 Sansome Walk, Worcester WR1 1NU


Telephone: 01905 700803 


Request for paper copies of documentation

These are free of charge. Please contact the office.